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Everything posted by BeaterDaichi

  1. It might seem like a good place to go back to now when it's off hours lol
  2. I agree with what you said. It's really a simple fix to be honestly to all this. It's having level limits in some area for example around everything before wolf mountain you can't attack anyone under 20 levels. However low levels can attack you and then you can attack them. Giving the chance for a lower level to risk it all or nothing type. So a level 125 is walking around and a level 90 see it. He might be just say "Alright, This is my amount to get bank loot!" then he goes and pokes the 125 with a d scim However everything in wildy all levels can attack you and being skulled means everyone or anywhere can attack you. Then everything after wolf mountain put in level range limits so example 21 can't be attacked by anyone but people under level 50 a level 61 can't be attacked by anyone but under level 80 then 80+ can be attacked by anyone. Simple level caps like this will see a big fix to rot and other people killing skiller and stuff. I know it's a pvp game mode but without the skillers. Go and make your own arrows, dragon bolts, your own potion and farm your own items. Might as well remove trade at this point if you think skillers should go back to osrs or make everyone an ironman. They're needed. I honestly don't die unless I'm doing something risky which is duo, I have all the quest I need atm (Need mm and DT done only) I have escape and other stuff planned out in advance but their people that prefer to play in a different way which is more risky but in all honestly. Killing someone that is level 50ish and you're a 110+ cb with 5 keys already is trash. Dude is getting like 200k per hour cutting yew trees and you attack him without even picking his stuff up or getting his bank key since it's only around 50k
  3. Yeah good on him but his "Challenge" he does are all lies. I honestly don't care what he does but you can't trust anything this person say due to him lying about nearly all the time.
  4. Fact you wanted to call rot is enough to get banned? you want to be a part of AC but want to call another clan to try kill the clan you want to be part of? What kind of backward logic is that.
  5. That not a bad plan. I was going to do that at the start but I changed my mind when I saw some d bow spec lol
  6. Everything about him is fake. Known botter and rwt plus tons of other stuff.
  7. Yeah. I'm at 70 def and 84 hp atm so I can tank quite well just the one hit rambo spec that I'm only worried about.
  8. So since the protection of 75 hp came out with paying 1 million, A lot of people have dropped having HP covered now as a protected stat but I still refuse to drop it. My reason for it, is that 75 doesn't seem enough to me and the time it takes to train back up is a nightmare also 75 hp compared to 99 is a huge gap, d bow can't spec you out (Only in void can hit that high if I'm correct) and nothing else really while having 75 you can get spec out by a few things. My friend thinks It's a little odd but that 1 million I could put into better gear or throw into a stat or something and training some stats takes a long time but stun alch is like 900exp and melee isn't too hard to train up compared to hp which even on 5x is a nightmare. I would love to hear people thoughts on this.
  9. Yeah but the afk nature of it and the false sense of safety makes a few people drop their guard there. All it takes is like two good dds spec to drop someone or even one.
  10. Them gains! how is DT these days? I want to get the quest done myself.
  11. I wish I got that lucky : / I'm quite dry on luck these days. I'm on 41 barrow chest and still nothing in that. Also boss duo hasn't been good as well : /
  12. It's hard to find a good fix to these problem to be honest. DDM don't trust anyone even in clan unless you know that you can. It's hard to find a balance due to the nature of the game mode.
  13. Whoa that key, Share for looking at post? Kappa haha but very nice on getting black mask+ barrow parts and nice cash stack. What kinda stuff does this dude have in the safe box? is the real question now.
  14. The best thing to do is have a closed CC. Only people with ranked can be in it. It's a bit more harsh but you can weed out a lot of people that might do this. I personally haven't joined the AC CC yet since I don't feel like it's right since I'm not a 100% member and only around forums right now.
  15. That really blows,I'm sorry to hear that.
  16. Got it bookmarked. I'm getting my def back to 70 today, So my stats will be around 52 prayer, 70def, 84+hp and 92+ range.
  17. They call everyone "rats" that isn't in the group. I really hate that. What do you gain from killing low levels when your max geared.
  18. I might hit you up on this. I can't be asked to do this atm
  19. Loool the dude was so scared. He didn't know what to do and didn't understand what was going on.
  20. That quite the op spot. Can you enter it after you finish the quest? I won't even finish it if you can't. The spot is too strong to give lose haha
  21. Ha I had no idea about this. I will defo have to start carrying anti with me then.
  22. I did this for a bit on deadman mode but I just ended up only doing it for a day since pker started to show up more.
  23. I find the blood altar one of the best hiding places. You need to do a super long quest line up to near the finishing of it and no one really has time to do them since they're really annoying and don't give much in return but in deadman mode. It's really a strong hiding place.
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