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Everything posted by 2hi2function

  1. I love the friendly and welcoming community that AC has! I have enjoyed deadman mode so much more since I have been fortunate enough to be a part of the clan!
  2. Damn bro that's sick! What an idiot running planks in that setup ahaha. He was clearly asking for it. Bank key?
  3. That is really unfortunate man, you make fair points regarding the fact that most members of the clan most likely don't know you well simply because of the difference in time zones and you are busy with work full time. I think that as long as you are an active member of the AC community while you are available online (and the more you socialize with others within the clan), it would help increase your chances of being accepted as a member.
  4. holy, nice man, im still a little scared to hit up barrows but seeing posts like this definitely increases the incentive!
  5. wooooow! nice man, so jealous! grats on the juicy looooot!
  6. It doesn't hurt to just bang out those quests in a couple hours too bro!
  7. I banged out 94 mage last week using this method it was awesome. Ya i spent generally 80k-120k gp per 1k alchs (265k mage / 72k smithing). I ended up with 77 smithing lol, I dont see it being to useful to me but, hey! 77 smith! lol Also, people tend to say well thats 265mage exp per spell while alching is 325 or whatever per spell. The thing they don't realize is that alching takes like 3 seconds per spell, meanwhile superheat spell takes like half (closer to 2/3's) the time an alch takes so with that being said, superheating is without doubt worth using to train mage, it can just be annoying having to individually click each ore and repeatedly bank every inventory. Also for those who say iron ore is difficult to buy, not at all. I had a more difficult time selling bars. And you can actually end up making a decent amount of money if you take the time to sell because alot of people are looking for like 3-5 iron bars for quest items and they generally say things like "buying 5 iron bars 5k", so that's easy to take advantage of.
  8. Nice man, is there much risk to zulrah regarding pkers? I wana do regicide soon so I can start doing this but I feel skeptical about it all
  9. Wow that's insane. I've never ever ever had a vissy drop in the duration of my runescape "career" lol
  10. I personally dont feel to keen on restarting a new account for a new season, it seems like I just started a new account (5-6 weeks ago) lol.
  11. that's annoying but i suppose it is inevitable that once in a while shit like this will happen! good luck rebuilding! good luck for vissy!
  12. nice guide, it will definitely be useful for beginners on deadman, even clue hunting from guards i imagine can be decent money
  13. Just a matter of time before everyone starts catching up to them and they get put into their deserved place lol
  14. Good luck man! I only have two and theyre both on this upcoming Saturday, so that gets things over with quickly lol
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