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RazvyTales's Achievements

  1. I have completed DT+ all prequests for *AC G* ,who is *Schlong* on teamspeak. 0 deaths. Took me 8 hours to complete all prequests+ quest itself, with 1:30 hour break.
  2. DT+all prequests, I will do that for 2-2.5m dmm , assuming you have all the quest+ prequest level and item reqs.
  3. Yes, you would get huge ammount of money from the drops, but I've been watching b0aty's stream, and there were no exp drops at all at Zulrah, and I've also heard people talking. The gains are indeed around 1.5-3m/ hour, that if you don't get merked by 0starijengi and his boys. They are kinda camping zulrah..so yeah
  4. Heya guys, I decided to throw this post in here , in case any of you is lazy/doesn't feel like doing certain quests, I am your guy! The reason I do this is because I get too bored to grind some mobs for cash, and I ...pretty much enjoy questing ... Wierd I know. I am up to do any quest that is Requested, even Barrows gloves, but yes, that would take pretty long(about 5 days). I would really appreciate if you have the skill reqs, since that will be deducted from the price, time=money. I would also appreciate if you would buy all the item reqs. Some quest items are just cancerous to get (such as 20 limp roots for temple of ikov) and it's very time consuming. I am scouting every time I am questing, but even if so, I would appreciate if you would allow me at least one free death on the account.(every death after the first one, will be deducted from the price) There will be fees dependent on how much time consuming is the quest. I usualy give an ETA of how much the request should take, if it takes with 1 hour more then the ETA I will deduct it from payment. I am accepting both 07 or DMM cash, and about the payment, if an Admin can vouch that you are trusted, I will accept the payment after I am done with all the requested Quests. If nobody can vouch for you, I need to take 50% before I start,and the rest as I advance . I will update this post every time I am working on someone's quest along with that person's name. You can contact me on this post, on teamspeak: *Razvy* , or PM me ingame: *AC Razvy Pls* with the word *quest* followed by your name on teamspeak, and I will PM you there. Thank you! =)
  5. B...but you gain 0 exp when you fight Zulrah...don't you ?
  6. So Skill Specs was selling some oak logs, I bought all of them. Then he comes to me and tells me this: https://gyazo.com/f874609538ae0d73464369726067720c Mate.
  7. Yea well basicly I got hit by 0starijengi for a while, someone managed to pj him off me, then i started hitting a Cyclops,I put on my crossbow, turned on protect from melee, ate up for full hp and drank pray to full. I had my auto-retaliate on. Then I X-logged. Aparently when the venom hit stacked on me, he was able to PJ the Cyclops off and then kill me. Take anti-poisons and shit...whatever depressing.
  8. Hahaha I tought about it when I did the quest.
  9. Woah! nice achievement good job and gratz
  10. its still not patched right now , so until they patch it, we can still abuse it i guess.
  11. Yea melee has the most killing potential as it hits higher then range and mage, and the dds can hit so high if you got piety aswell.
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