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  1. Lol at the people who didn't read the full post.
  2. I want to autoclick my 07 acc so badly.. I have about 3 friends that autoclicked to insane levels.. One is currently making is way from 94-99, hes currently 98. None of them have been banned yet.
  3. Maybe it's karma. Stop scouting for your friend to kill clan members at fire giants and hopefully your drops will improve.
  4. Such a nice guy, gave it all 100% free, mean't alot since I just died in a bank. Very glad we have people like him in #AC.
  5. If he's not ranked, he's not in AC. Doesn't matter if he's in the cc, it's public lol.
  6. Rofl, how can you even get muted for that? Then again I was muted for an hour by saying "my dad works at jagex."
  7. Nice spot, always great to snag some loot the Pkers leave behind as well.
  8. I wish I had the skill to kill people who are skilled and accidentally walk into safe zones. brb, going to apply for a clan when I don't meet any requirements than act like I'm the #1.
  9. Nice luck, I almost died at fire Giants but luckily they splashed the last barrage and I made it to the 1x1 square.
  10. Nice kill, I guess... "#declinedappftw" What the hell do you mean. You're like level 60. You're trying to act like it took a lot of skill to kill him, when in reality he walked into the safe zone.
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