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Smd Ri Now

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Everything posted by Smd Ri Now

  1. Ranked members always states to watch out with the clan chat. You shouldn't trust anyone anyway.
  2. I went to fally and this guy gave me a black chin to try. I told him I will only try if he gave me 100. He gave me 100 and I went to sell them.
  3. Just do a little sucky sucky, and you will get invited instantly.
  4. Lets take a moment for the water staff that was left behind.
  5. Looks like someone woke up on the bitch side of the bed today.
  6. Training at Ogres, then he came and tried killing me. We got to Yanille and he walked a little close to dds me. I was on my last shark and said fuck it. I closed the door, ran inside then hit him and he walked into safe zone. GG I just made bank. Too bad, I almost got "rend" too. #DeclinedApplicationFTW
  7. Highly suggest to watch the movie. Attack on Titan l. If you never watched the anime, please do! It is pretty cool =D. Out of all the anime's I ever watched in my life, Attack on Titan was so good that it gave me goosebumps.
  8. Best key I got was 500k worth of willows/maples/oaks. Then I clicked to bank it only to realize I attacked someone in bank. R.I.P
  9. That awkward moment when the trade was declined afterwards, haha.
  10. LOOOL. This reminds me of the time I was "added to Rots list" when I tagged and saved someone in barrows.
  11. How long you think he will quit for? LOL
  12. Godbless, I thought I had to calculate it for myself.
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