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Smd Ri Now

Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Smd Ri Now

  1. I regret to inform you that I will be leaving AC community. It was nice seeing the keys pked on forums and fails/wins posted by the members. Shout out to the music tunes in TS. Wish you guys all the best, especially during your Christmas break, go ham!
  2. That moment when you see 2 dragon heads incoming and you hoping it won't be a painful anal.
  3. They should change it automatically when you get into save zone.
  4. Don't need to be a smart ass. I know why he has ads and I am pretty sure it would be better for him if we all didn't use ad block.
  5. Am I the only one annoyed by the Ads popping up right before you click something resulting in you clicking the ad? Can we make a side bar or a banner for the ads and cycle them? The ads are all over the place and I i feel like its slowing the forums down. I don't run adblock but I might start using it.
  6. I disagree. We should hunt him, make him rage and talk shit about us. In that way people will start joining us because they will know that no one fucks with #AC.
  7. Shove that fang straight up your....... actually, I'm very happy for you =).
  8. It's the crushed fruit in the bottom right lol.
  9. I'm done exams this friday too. Sadly, I ran out of Adderall. Edit: Nvm, I found some cocaine.
  10. Nah, AC got so scared of me that they ran away and let me live.
  11. Literally a random spot in the Wildy. Was skull hunting yesterday alone. Hopped a world then I see like 50 people running at me.
  12. When you log in beside a clan with keys over their head. But it turns out to be AC. #thankgod
  13. I tanked him once from Ogres to Yanille. I walked just to prove a point. Too bad he wasn't streaming that time. (6 attempts to kill me, failed 6 times.)
  14. Those bitches piled me 30seconds before you guy raped them lol. Lived with 10 hp. #ac
  15. Damn thats sick. No worries im training, +1 AC godly member coming soon.
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