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  1. Well I feel it's probably unfair you are banned. If you wouldn't of mentioned he had rot in his name, then yes it could be seen as a lure but because you said that, why would it not make people feel wary that there is potentially more than one person there.
  2. Not bad although doesn't he have 20HP? I'd prefer going to somewhere like Ogre camp for range/mage training or even melee as it's a 15 second run away from the Ardougne safezone.
  3. True but can you not set up an option to possibly have a certain rank to view it? Therefore it will reduce the number of possible Pkers.
  4. Just thinking, maybe we could have a guide section to then assist current or future AC clan members when training. This would be mainly deadman mode based but yeah, it would allow us to share our training spots and so forth with other members of the clan. For example, there may be some dope af magic training methods which many people may not know, this section would organise the guides so people can quickly access these methods. Opinions?
  5. Lol unlucky, I am doing an easy clue in a minute at the wizard tower. If I get a poor loot for risking my life, shit gonna hit the fan lel.
  6. I'll probably need to use this eventually, thank you. Just curious though, isn't Rimmington filled with Pkers? Don't wants someone pking me for like 300k of Dbones tbh aha.
  7. I like many types of music but my favourite is bands like The Beatles and Queen.
  8. Eventually the clan chat is going to get full up and that will result in AC members possibly getting killed. Something like this could help and in the future could be considered?
  9. I agree with this for sure, makes you feel much safer.
  10. Some nice loots mate, I might have to start doing barrows myself eventually.
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