yeah its just i had a bad day yday i died while losing my skull and died 3 more times to rot while training and dropped 14 hp and prayer levels, so i just need a good spot to train and get some prayer up maybe
hey guys, so i hear of this spot in ardy that reqs 46 thieving to enter and has ogres, is this a good spot to train bc im tired of dying east of castle wars. thanks guys!
hey guys i usually train at ogres but ive died to rot 3 times today and lost 14 hp levels and prayer levels, any safe alternatives to train? all advice is welcome
So I wanna start training my Mage soon but I'm not sure what way is the most efficient to approach it. Would splashing maybe be a good method at some point? Thoughts below thanks guys
so i currently have 72 range and 60 defence and have been floating around with the thought of grinding attack and str to 70+ even though i wont protect it? is it worth it and should i do it?
so currently ive been making money by fishing (83 fish) and its okay money but i wanna know what you guys do, i hear that wc and fletching is good money on dmm as well? post your guys' thoughts down below. everything helps thanks guys !
as noted in my other post, ive been training at ogres near castle wars but where else is good to train? ive heard ankous are cool but its also quite dangerous. where do you guys train?
so the last few days ive been training range at ogres using a bone cross but i wanna know what you guys think or any recommendations, what do you guys use to train and what should i use? stick to bone cross bow or change it up?