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My Kingz

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Everything posted by My Kingz

  1. splashing is never good to begin with, just make money then alch
  2. the luck is real, i should camp some of those
  3. might as well, hp insurance helps if ur keeping 2 other stats
  4. 1-85range tbirds, slay till 72 wyverns for gp, buy 94mage wyverns 500kgp an hour took 8hours a day for 10days for these stats + 100 qp
  5. i always encourage ppl to have their own opinions, and good thing to be expressing urs here.
  6. yes true and there should be a penalty for a member killing another member. also vote on my app yes =)
  7. gz on vissy, if u need it made into dfs just pm me " my kingz"
  8. gl on the quest, use a scout is my best advice
  9. This is my acc age lolz been to long
  10. i started 2001 top 500players every created =P though ppl dont really know many veteran players now n days
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