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Everything posted by SleepyAF

  1. Where the fuck is your punctuation
  2. 4th time alching back to 94... Just trasnferred 1m to buy nats, autochat on...was doing other shit and got suicided L0L. o my what a night.
  3. I think that redheads have the potential to be the hottest tbh
  4. Random people have trained pretty high in a stat; just hang out in TS and ask
  5. Thanks for bringing this up, I'll talk to sp33dy about it soon.
  6. Might as well just keep training it on the side and see where it goes.
  7. bitch ass hoe still hasn't paid me back wtf
  8. sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers sneakers
  9. This is by far the best shitpost I've encountered on ac forums.
  10. The reason AC is the best is simple; we truly are the anonymous community. We have all kinds of people from all over the world. The melting pot that this clan cultivates consists of people who are funny, crazy, and nice. People are always doing different things and discussing different things; you can fit in anywhere. If you want to get something done, you can bet that somebody will help you with it. If you want to just chill, you can spend your whole day hopping channels and talking to the different people/groups (Go Commonwealth! J). At the end of the day, you are playing a game. If you want to kill level 30s, go join RoT. If you want to build a family, welcome to AC.
  11. Singles Team Application Stats (Picture): Why You Want to Join: After years of massing and multi pking, I am finally fed up with it. I want to sit down with a strong singles unit and actually be a known team. Hopefully many loots and trips are coming I' going to start practicing bridding on the private server, so hopefully my switches become faster and more fluent. Prior Singles Experience: Everybody's pked in singles, so there isn't really much for me to say here. Here are some pics from DMM:
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