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  1. Judgement Cleared on 3 BOOOOOYYYS Shortest and most effective pk trip ive been to
  2. Sick boy, I'm jelly! Always wanted to ride myself.. I was an Everts fan
  3. @Sp33dy20, @KingTheGreat Ofc i got an 07 Account, Its Maxed melee stats. And sure thing i'll be around for 07 things I'll stay semi active on ts tho
  4. Hey guys, Well the title says it all i geuss... I'm planning on to take a brake from dmm, I'll jump around on ts and join some pk trips if im allowed to I just cant find the motivation to grind the cb stats each time again after i die. so i kinda lost interest. I'm swapping most of my bank to 07 i'll be keeping dbow on dmm tho so that i can be helpfull if i ever join a pk trip I had a great time with you guys on DMM. One of my favourites must be killing Tubz, and sharing the key ofc Well, thats about it, i'll talk to you guys later
  5. Dang, You were like one of the first high lvls that ive met in the game Goodluck in the future boy! looking forward to see you in seasons
  6. Can we derank him? he cant dance( he will mess up the dance when we are skull losing).... Nah joking its a good one tho ;D
  7. This video just give me chillings every time
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