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2 much def

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Everything posted by 2 much def

  1. Looking forward to rejoining you guys for this season of DMM. We learned a lot from the previous season, and I'm sure we will dominate this time around. See you in the TS!
  2. I'm surprised you are the first person in the thread to suggest this.
  3. I already bought the trident so I'm going the Zulrah route. I've done over 3k kills on 07, so I'm pretty comfortable, even with my current stats. I'm going to use the drops to finance 94 magic.
  4. Do you? I guess it is instanced. Still it would make a lot of money for runes, knives, etc.
  5. The issue is that I really don't want to do Zulrah without a trident and making 3m again could take quite some time. If I start with Zulrah first, I'll be getting mage and range xp and making bonk.
  6. Workin on it boss. Was 76 combat yesterday, back up to 85 now and rising.
  7. We need to do some godwars masses, so we can get the really D@nK lewts.
  8. Yeah, I'm thinking Zulrah is the way to go. That way I could potentially make enough money to do the other 2 options as well.
  9. That was pretty damn lucky if you weren't using fairy rings. I'm definitely going to unlock them beforehand. Just need to do nature spirit and Fairytale Part I. Questing is really the only thing I don't like about this option haha.
  10. What's your current Zulrah KC? And have you had to deal with many pkers?
  11. Okay, so I got a Karil's Top at Barrows last night and sold it for 2.9m. Right now, I'm trying to decide what I want to do with the money. Here are the current options that I've come up with: 1) Spend it on runes to get my magic up. I'm currently at 82 magic, and I'd really like to get 94 for ice barrage. I'd probably spend about 2.3m on stun-alching, then buy ~10k chaos runes and go to metal drags to finish off the remaining xp. 2) Invest it in Zulrah supplies (Trident, anti-venoms, etc.). I really like this idea because I could make a lot more money and get some decent range/mage xp at the same time. I still need to do some questing to for this to work, but nothing major. The real concern would be getting pked with the trident, but I think I'd be relatively safe using the routes and gear B0aty has been using on his stream. 3) Save up for a whip and do slayer. I'm only 85 combat/63 slayer at the moment, and I have 70 att and 70 str. Buying a whip would give me a huge boost in xp/hr while leveling up my melee stats, as well as slayer. The only issue I have with this method is training with a whip often makes you a target for clans/teams. I could minimize the risk by carrying brews and restores on all my tasks, but it's still a little risky. What would you guys do? I'm open to options other than the ones listed. A few relevant account stats: 70att/70str/60def 87 range 82 magic 78 hitpoints (insured)
  12. I just got 60 att and 70 str, so I'm down for this idea whenever.
  13. Thanks guys. I'm hoping Speedy gets back to me soon, so we can resolve this. I'm trying to grind my melee stats up right now, and being back in the TS would make it a lot more tolerable.
  14. I think it's more likely that someone is just being paranoid. Some people seem to think the only way for people to find you and kill you in deadman mode is by using spies. The reality is there are clans and teams with scouts out looking for people all the time. In addition to that, all it takes is one pm from someone you killed or just someone who sees you skulled and a team can be on you in seconds.
  15. Congrats man! 82-94 magic is my next big goal. How did you train?
  16. Sounds good. Thanks for getting back to me.
  17. Yeah, I do this pretty often while I'm on the toilet.
  18. So someone accused me of spying for another clan/team in one of the pking clan chats yesterday, which resulted in me being banned from the TS. All that happened was that I auto-joined AC Sticky's cc because I was in there over the weekend and hadn't logged in since. I contacted Speedy immediately after being banned and was simply told he's investigating the incident. No one bothered to ask for my side of the story, and no one is currently responding to my questions about what is going on. It seems like I'm guilty until proven innocent in this situation, which sucks because the main reason I've been trying to become a part of this clan is so that I have a community of people to enjoy the game with. The fact that a single accusation can get you banned without question seems extreme to me, especially when it's one that is virtually impossible to prove true or false.
  19. I used this method for awhile during the first week or two of release. It's good for making some quick cash, but I really wouldn't recommend doing it long-term. Carrying millions worth of d scims with little to no food on you in a multi zone just isn't a good look, especially when you have to hop multiple times to get a full inventory.
  20. Thankfully, this is my last semester... of undergrad at least.
  21. Hey guys, Unfortunately, I'm going to be pretty inactive for the next week or two. I have a number of projects and papers due this week, the LSAT on Saturday, and final exams next week. This will leave me very little free time, so I won't be online very often. I just wanted to say that I've enjoyed hanging out with all of you guys in the TS for the past week, and I look forward to getting back to the grind when exams are over. Talk to you soon, 2 Much Def
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