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Everything posted by Bear

  1. lmfao i remember this, u tried tanking a tent whip with 99 att and str in red d hide
  2. lol vel is literally always camped at fucking barrows need to send a 30 man team there lol
  3. damn, i need to learn how to do zulrahhhh
  4. lol one day ill do the pre reqs for DT
  5. add me on steam im GE but play ESEA only, ill be starting back up after xmas since im in the transition of moving. My team made ESEA-IM. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990009549/
  6. shit needs to be nerfed lol way too OP
  7. fuck 0star and all the faggots that pk with rot, they attack me every time i train under edge, and like 100 times at warriors guild. Deserved to be dropped.
  8. i did this in actual 2007, i just cant be asked doing watchtower again haha.
  9. I like polly due to the fact that its close to ancients altar, and if you're skulled its a pretty remote location.
  10. I would also recommend getting the quests done and out of the way as soon as possible.
  12. its not a bad spot, getting there is risky being that a lot of people pk at the tele spot. I like brim dung, everythings aggro. The wilderness is also a good spot, along with the desert if ur house port is polly
  13. I would get chaos gauntlets and fire bolt metals in brim dung, its very safe once you manage to get their and you can alch all the drops as well.
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