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Oh thank you

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About Oh thank you

  • Birthday 04/20/1990

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  1. Compared to other clans out there we did great. Good job boys on the supplies, and for putting up a fight and not getting one banged. Shout out to the clan that didn't get to play. LMFAO http://i.imgur.com/CmmXl98.mp4
  2. talk to speedy maybe you guys can work something out, to get unbanned or rejoin us. @Sp33dy20
  3. No problem. Like I said tho, message him it will be completely up to him. Goodluck.
  4. Ignore everyone else, unless spoken to a rank. From what I've been told and know, you are allowed to join us only if you are member+. So in that case, join us for 07 and you can join us for the next tourny and season. Other than that, message speedy and see what he would accept.
  5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After searching the wilderness for several hours and only finding spider webs, we decided to fight the most feared clan @RoT. From here we grabbed our gear and jumped into action heading to the gates of hell where lava and blood spews daily. Once we were at GDZ blood was spilled for a good 30minutes with non-stop action, where both clans were contesting for the place we call home. After the war with @RoT we decided to continue to search our home and found @VR where we fought and cleared them in less than five minutes, and also clearing some @DI stragglers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoutout to the clans that made it out to the wilderness, @AC, @Rot, @VR, @DI and to all members who made it, "Oh Thank You" for the action. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill Pictures
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