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  1. Holy crap, this rich guy over here lmao.. GZ!
  2. Grats dude! Must've taken ages.
  3. The flu's coming through my area too... Time to pull out the surgeon's mask.
  4. I feel you bro, my exams are this week too D:
  5. Sacred 2 for playstation 3! Awesome diablo-esque RPG. Huge open world with tons of monsters to slay and loot to claim. Best with a friend
  6. Gnome stronghold is super safe! The whole zone is safe and you can kill the terrorbirds in the western paddock.
  7. Is this the right spot for this? ^^ idk, there's a forum section specifically for intros. Welcome regardless!
  8. Hey bro! Make your way to gnome stronghold, the place with the gnomes and the big ass tree northwest of ardounge. It's a safe zone in there. In the western paddock there's terrorbirds which are good to train on up till like 70 cb.
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