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AC Raw

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About AC Raw

  • Birthday July 11

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  1. The bois still out there fuckin shit up eh lmao, nice to see this clan is still around been years.
  2. literally haven't really had too many issues connecting this entire time speedy have you? i felt like it was the area that was effecting it but maybe i was just lucky, i have a buddy from toronto that wasnt really effected either
  3. are you up bro?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AC Raw

      AC Raw

      nothing i was drunk as fuck lolĀ 

    3. Sp33dy20
    4. AC Raw

      AC Raw

      i tried to bro when i try to connect to teamspeak it just freezes and i have to close it

      i'll have to redownload it later or something

  4. Since when was scorpia pking lit again wtfffff, yo speedy you up rn i cant cnnect to ts idfk why whattt
  5. Imagine thinking you can beat AC in 2017...
  6. hey i can't seem to figure out how to send you a message... how do i get the teamspeak info?

    1. AC Raw

      AC Raw

      I'll message you in a sec

    2. Tree Hugger

      Tree Hugger

      kk much appreciated

  7. sweet video bro, the Di guaz at gap tho hahaha
  8. hahahahahahha dusty is the shit
  9. ^ Or just use a bluetooth headset because your headphone jack is broken
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