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dr trump

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Everything posted by dr trump

  1. Niceee, where was he botting? How did no one pj you or save him. How many stats did you lose?
  2. This is kinda unsettling seeing that Da Grlnch is back
  3. yeah, i have some ideas aswell. Im gonna tell you them later when im back on teamspeak.
  4. You will definitely make hella money suiciding on mules.
  5. lol, im at school, so thought it would be nice to hit up the forums. got pumped when i saw your name.
  6. Land Fox is 100% right. Of course, when I first started out in AC, I didnt know anyone. By spending time in the teamspeak and showing you are a genuine person, the members will get to know you and in no time you will feel like part of a family. I now talk to the people i met on teamspeak everyday. It makes the game much more meaningful to be able to build a relationship as well as have a good time.
  7. you have to find people who you truly trust before you risk them with your account. you can usually tell if someone is a genuine person who wouldn't choose pixels over friends.
  8. This clan is the first clan i have ever even been a part of! and this is sick! great community
  9. This is a great clan bc it is my first clan that i have ever been associated with. Im with the people on ts every day and i love it!
  10. I feel that during masses, it isn't as important to have switches because it is more about numbers and strategy. Its not really about bridding. But when single pking, then having multiple switches is necessary.
  11. even though i don't pk much. I have 148/35 which is really weird lol. I don't know where the kills actually come from.
  12. If you have a decent defense level and melee stats, like at least 60-60-60, the stronghold of security is very good. afk at spiders, we have people in the stronghold the majority of the time which will save you from pkers. make sure that you set an authenticator first so that you can spam click the doors until the advice to make an authenticator to come up which will just automatically let you go through the door without actually having to answer any interface. Makes it easy to escape.
  13. same thing that happened to me. It sucks dude
  14. Yeah, it gives intro's a taste of what its like to be in AC.
  15. True, it should be easy to pick them out tho.
  16. We have people like AC JB, who can be there to help in max gear in under a minute. I shouted in the cc that there was a dbower only lvl 90 and in rot using only range. AC JB came running in with serp helm, ahrims, dfs, fury, toxic staff. And nearly killed the dbower until he had called rot to come and save his ass. People who can come in no time at all really makes us start to be like rot, who has people who listen when others are getting attacked or have found a skuller. Also shout out to AC Minnesota for hunting down that guy that attacked 14mmdownstem while he was doing digsite. Good stuff!
  17. Ice Piss is actually helping us by giving us a lot of publicity in his streams which can attract like 8k people, so if he's talking about us a ton, but then we go and hunt him down and kill him, it kinda hurts us. We should take advantage of him speaking good about us instead of taking advantage of his less then decent pking skills.
  18. We rule in fashionscape and clanmanmode. We are a very decorated clan lol.
  19. Next time, we should scout them out and try to catch em while they are unorganized. I know that in the next week or so, there will be many more members being accepted in (hopefully), because there a few intro's that would be very helpful to the clan. So as our numbers continue to grow, with people that arent like 70 cmb, but rather 80-90+, we will be able to take any clan like cd and ftd out.
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