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Ac Guest
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  1. hah nice, I heard him say that too when we were massing. See what happens when you don't listen to the leader
  2. I thought he was a nice guy, we did dt together and spoke on at sometimes. It's a shame to hear about these kinds of things...
  3. Nice guide! I made a lot of money and got 94 Mage by wcing, fetching the logs into bows and then alching them. You don't have to worry about sitting in varrok and selling stuff. And if you have two accounts you can keep one in the bank fletching and alching while the other cuts. I got 99 wc, 90 feltchig, and 94 Mage from this. Also, don't cut in cammy. Cut magic trees by the Mage training arena. The arena orb itself is safe from skullers and it's like 5 steps from the trees. Happ money making!
  4. Thank you ac and all of our members, happy belated birthday!
  5. Really happy and excited for this, good work guys!
  6. Next time you go rouge in catberby/ seers lmk. I would be happy to join you.
  7. That's why I keep spec and auto retaliate on in the bank. If someone miss clicks on me. Bank is made
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