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Everything posted by Xoroda

  1. WE went on a few pking trips down at the sewers and it was so fun. Thank you to Molly for calling.
  2. sick video good job recording that. we got the next one
  3. I have been away from Runescape for quite some time due to College and needing to focus on what I want to do with my life other than play Runescape... Now college has finished and I am committing my life back to Runescape. I will be joining AC again for the return of the deadman season and cant wait to start meeting the new members and catching up with the old members who may and (hopefully) remember me from my time with AC during the first two deadman seasons. I plan to be very active and idle in Teamspeak every day starting Saturday so if you see me around to be afraid to give me a shout and introduce yourself. Looking forward to my new beginning, - AC Xoroda
  4. Hell yeah this is what every trip is going to be like!
  5. Dang dude keep up the grind its not the end
  6. I agree I took a 2 month break and then we had a trip this morning was 1000% better than 2 months ago. Good work boys keep it up
  7. very sad I missed this Ill be there for the next one good job in the tourny guys
  8. Hey everyone after a 3 month break I am back to playing deadman servers. I look forward to meeting all of the new members that have joined
  9. Yes we did it again!! and this time no feelsbadman tweet. just rage pms
  10. That twitter post... feelsbadman
  11. Yes boys! that was a fun kill but the twitter post... feelsbadman
  12. Yeah we ran into this problem in the first deadman mode and the staff of the deads came back to haunt us most of the time.
  13. Holy cow this clip of swede and his clan killing a kid for dfs and max on seasonal is insane!@
  14. Mules are part of the game, as long as u having fun who cares
  15. 2 deaths at defenders fuck those stupid things
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