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Old School
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Everything posted by markymark

  1. Wow missed it all bc of work today but congratz everyone
  2. Happy birth day AC been a great year and 8 months reLly enjoy this clan and the people that make it up
  3. WTf hit them up on Twitter and ask to look into account that bs explain the situation u might get lucky. Ask for mod reach.
  4. Nice editing skills home slice
  5. Violence erupts in Baltimore as roving gangs attack police, torch patrol car, loot stores following Freddie Gray funeral. Huge riots against law offices in Baltimore. Only hours away from us capital Washington, D.C. All over the news. Robbing stores burning cars all out riots. By the time night comes with gangs out its going to be an all out purge. The situation in Baltimore is getting so bad that rival gang members have decided to call a cease-fire and form an unlikely alliance against Baltimore cops in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death. Police officials announced Monday they had received a “credible threat” that rival members of the murderous Bloods, Crips and Black Guerrilla Family street gangs “have entered into a partnership to take out law enforcement officers.” http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/04/27/gangs-vow-to-target-police-as-baltiomore-protests-spread/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/04/25/war-zone-baltimore-erupts-into-violence-chaos-as-blacklivesmatter-riots-rage/ http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/04/media-fail-to-identify-leader-of-baltimore-riots/ http://rt.com/usa/253569-baltimore-riot-live-updates/
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