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vibraltar 1

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  1. im the first one in game that sells tabs and for ac i do 10%off PRICES ARE: cammy tabs normally 3k for ac members 2.7k ea varock tabsd normally 2.5k for ac members 2.2k ea lumbridge tabs normally 2.5k ea for ac members 2.2kea. PM VIBRALTAR 1 IN GAME
  2. i know right and that for a vid that gets max 60k vieuws=60$ + he even failed with it, im a cool person so my reaction was cool asfuck the only thing he could record is me flaming the shit out off him and blocking him. i bet, if he gonna post that.. than he gonna get 10k dilsikes. but im working on getting him back with some contacts i have.
  3. skype is vibraltar u can add me bro because i'm someone who likes to work for my earnings and if u buy a account it wouldnt be my work so that takes must off the funn away. but then again if i put alot effort on it and than realise it was all for nothing im nothing gonna do it all over again. so i only see 1 solution for it thats quiting and do something where i cant get fucked over.
  4. theayleex from liverpool if there are more theayleex's....THIS is legit row on skype if u wanne roast him, go for it =) i blocked him im not gonna tell that piece of a shit anything
  5. i'm not planning to do that , i'm sorry i spended to much time on it to start all over again. and my gf will be alright if she keep taking her medication =)
  6. i never understood such things to man probally a real bad yough he also told me he didnt got any friends in real life his only friends are those guys he know from the net. maybe thats wy he thinks that way because he never had any person he loved so jeh wy can he know what love is. he also told me he finnaly gonna look for a girlfriend on his 23... but i bet he never will find someone that can stay with him longer than a month with that mindset.
  7. after i spended more then 50 hours on that account for nothing im not gonna restart/rebuild again im done with runescape/dmm and thx shes need to stay in bed for 2wks and she will be fine
  8. GUYS, im sorry to tell this but i need to quit deadmanmode. for a couple weeks i was speaking with paul aka returnofwilderness. everything was good we where communicating daily over real life stuf, money making and shit i never had any problems with him, he also never tryed to scam me i even gave me pass of my dmm on him where he could make vids on and play on it. and there no problems till today. today was the day returnofwilderness asked me for 100$ btw wich he knows i can easyli get because of my irl wealth. i was not making any problems of it and was planning to give him the lend. BUT first i needed to know for what it was and he couldnt tell me so i sed well first give me a good reason wy i would lend u the 100$ btc and he just answered i cant and wont belive me to, so i didnt gave him anything. and while this is happening my gf is at doctor and calls me i need to come over because the doctor sed she had a lung infaction and i had to bring her over to the hospital. what took me 2hour till i was back home. but in that time returnofwilderness tryed to call me serveral times because he needed the btc realy hard and thought i was just ingnoring him. he was so frustrated that he logged into my account reseted all my stats ,cleaned my bank and logged off. i had awesome account whit 99range (rank 13 ranged) and 88 mage and some other great stats and now if you look me up 'VIBRALTAR 1' all my stats are reseted. i know what u guys gonna say , 'u coulda easy know that he was gonna do that after watching his vids' but i was realy not caring about that because we talked alot and thought he showed me his real 'me" and thought no one gonna do such lowballing things in his life that he wanne fuck someone over so badly, but jeh i was wrong. i felt for his trap and he did the most fucked ups thing someone ever can do wtih youre dmm account. SO FOR AL YOU RETURNOFWILDERNESS FANS PAUL AKA RETURNOFWILDERNESS DOSNT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HES FANS HIS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. im off guys have funn on dmm im going back to cod,csgo and poker. CYA GRTZ VIBRALTAR 1
  10. i just talked with him and hes gonna gtive me my stuff back.
  11. jeh he sed he was gona give my stuf back but he didnt and he removed me again from his friendlist . and jeh i was in cc he wasnt he was pking with dead botting and sell me axes
  13. he killed me and when i said im ac he said ac hates me.. so i guess hes out people in the cc asked me to post this pic http://imgur.com/wZtWHYL
  14. jeh i saw that he almost escaped to if they didnt had any d spears. he rebuilded already do with his 30m kill
  15. ice poseidon is just a big troll that just try to entertain people, hes not rot hes not in any team. hes a one man army in his brain. i like him thought
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