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Everything posted by mrsimerly

  1. That looked like so much fun. I saw some other videos from other people when you went thru.
  2. Wow that's awesome I can't wait until I am back from my vacation.
  3. Hey everyone. So my wife did not want me to play. I have talked with her about playing and I am back. Please revote for me to return.
  4. say what you want to sign up for either both or one of the lists. we are working on training to this point
  5. hey guys, This post is to record a list of us guys that are getting ready to go to godwars or training towards that end. The idea here is to get a large group of guys to do this. I know alot of us are training towards pking atm. this is to start interest for this. I will add your name to the list here mass Armadyl and range training trips for the addy bars and make money while training. List to go to Godwars. LIST FOR RANGE TRAINING: 1-MrSimerly 2-Rims LIST FOR arma:
  6. Cann't wait until I am finished with Desert Treasure. :D


    and looking forward to 72 slayer

  7. sitting over here at blues still making bank 91 magic now :D
  8. wow man risky but the reward sounds soo good
  9. at some point i will start questing though 42 qps atm
  10. been at blue dragons for days got 90 magic so far doing it. getting ready for my 1m hp for 75 hp
  11. i got alot of work to do i hope i can get it done in time for this event.
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