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YonkoLaw's Achievements

  1. Im definitely interested in getting one.
  2. OO you guys are having exams now. Australia has theirs a week from when deadman started. Good luck.
  3. That threat of death makes things more exciting. Feel like a cave-man in the prehistoric times.
  4. Yeee looking good. Though, I suggest doing shades of morton (for teleport) or in aid of myreque together (so there is access to bank nearby) together first. Canifis is a hotbed of pking.
  5. Looking to get heroes quest done as soon as possible - up to the part in brimhaven where I need a black arms partner. Not sure if it is possible, but I am willing to help you in this quest as a phoneix member once I've done the quest. Post here / pm in game if interested.
  6. If you want barragers to splash more, definitely protect mage. Otherwise, defence is great if your focused on pking.
  7. Aww can't believe he would do that ...that gotta hurt. Hope you come back, someday
  8. I'll probably need to go for the Recipe for disaster bit. Might join
  9. Ahahaha, couldn't stop smiling when I was watching Ice Poseidon's stream. Keep up the good work!
  10. Hey Devour This powerful trick didn't occur to me until today, makes me think twice attacking someone.
  11. Saw this happen at seers bank today. You guys probably know that if skull timer resets, they can still attack you in safe zone. But these dues were deliberately luring people to attack them as their skull timers were about to reset. Then they were able to barrage/range the lower level dudes in the bank, unskulled. This happened twice in 1 minute of each other. Moral of the story: Don't attack skulled dudes near safe zones, unless you are better, and better prepared than them.
  12. Melee eh, time to get my miserable attk and str stats up.
  13. Made deadman account the day it started but didn't play for the first 3 days. That made rush at the start would of been fun.
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