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play ranges

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  1. nice work, I missed it cause I was checking my nooby key lol
  2. Thanks, I am on TS quite a bit and I try to pk and attend pvm trips too. Too bad our paths haven't crossed yet =/
  3. Hey there! I will be online much less this month, as I am doing some soul searching and travelling around Europe/Asia. Should be back to my regular schedule of training, pvming and pking in February. Thought I'd let y'all know so you don't feel I've given up on deadman or AC. Happy new year everyone! - "the real" Play Ranges
  4. Nice of you to help! I have 80 herb on my alt too, if anyone wants to trade supplies for pots.
  5. Just sounds like one big excuse... No one expects people with singles unprotected stats and gear to go help, but multi pkers (especially alts w muled supplies) should make an effort to assist. After all, isn't that what being in a clan is all about? I am very disappointed with such a sheer lack of concern by a few of our clan members when members are in trouble. Personally, I don't bother calling for general help anymore - and when I do, it is only to a few friends in this clan. As a multi pking clan, we should have at least a few members willing to help tag pkers off in low/medium risk zones. Maybe we should consider recruiting a group for this cause... Will go a long way to showing the fabric of this clan, and will help with our public reputation. We should never leave clan members out to die, unless it is completely unavoidable! And taking the time to justify our ongoing inaction and lack of anti pking preparedness is saddening...we are better than this!
  6. Unfortunately, you are looking for answers in the wrong place. You need to ask for more feedback on your application from a moderator, and the specific individuals that had concerns with you - so that you can resolve the outstanding issues before applying again. I don't know enough to comment on it, but that gymgainz guy seems to have some major issues with you lol.
  7. I had 10 shark with me, it was a team of 4 max magers at blue dragons. I dogded em with dusty key first, then the pipe and ladder. Was an epic escape.
  8. Once I secure some nice treasure trail hats - like boaters and beanies.
  9. Barely escaped while collecting blue dragon scales this evening. I should make a guide on training up Herblore - Play Ranges style (accepting death as part of deadman mode) P.S. I saved 3 friends' lives by going first too!
  10. There are couple issues that need to be addressed here. 1) Mages wasting barrage runes and not getting kills. It would be hard to argue that freezes are not critical to getting multi kills. In multi, the problem is many mages autocast blitz/barrage and end up using plenty of runes. If a mage froze or tbed, they should be given a split of the loot - regardless of who gets the kill. However, it is amateur skill level if you are simply autocasting blitz/barrage in single or multi. It should always be freeze then melee/range and refreeze. I am stunned by the amount of people who wasted their runes with the autocast freezes. And it is these same noobs who say "I used 300 spells that trip, gimme all runes and better splits". I have seen some mages hassle a few rangers/meleers for basically all the items from the kill using this faulty logic. All our pking comes down to trust, generosity amd teamwork - and when some people are there just for the loot, it spoils the trip for everyone. 2) 1 style v/s multiple styles This one is a little trickier to handle. As a general rule, it is a great idea to have multiple combat styles. However, this is deadman mode and plenty of pkers in our clan have decided to specialize in range or melee, and protect these stats. In multi, it is more about the damage stacks and getting the opponent to run out of supplies, rather than the awesome dds special or dbolt hit. There is also a substantial benefit in having greater numbers when facing another team. With this in mind, I have to say that everyone should be able to do high damage and be able to tank in a multi pking environment; and argue that this is more important than having multiple combat styles. I am deeply troubled that many of our single pkers are no longer willing to risk a death or even fight in multi now that they have plenty of unprotected stats. (and frankly, I totally understand where they are coming from) However, we are a multi clan first and foremost, and it is imperative that you consider this when joining AC deadman. We do have a great singles unit (ACE) that is getting together, but single pking may not be for everyone. Personally, I would rather fight a max mage team at lava dragons in a 5 v 5, than single areas like the camelot telly spot. I like my odds better. Then again, the stats I rely on are protected and my deaths are all part of the game. Just a different way to play this game mode I guess... For me, I do plan to raise my magic up and protect range and mage in the future, but am reluctant with my current pvm, pking and skilling habits. I have noticed that some people are completely devastated on death, and I simply cannot play this game with such caution and fear. Taking calculated risks is part of my motivation to keep playing deadman, and if I had to scout every place before I went there, I would be bored in no time. I would not recommend everyone bringing magic in multi, but rather focusing on the stats that they do the most damage. Just remember to share if you get help from someone - a team member, a mage or a scout. This little kindness will go a long way to show others what AC deadman is all about! Merry Christmas everyone. Yeah, I agree. I like this idea, but I would rather have AC remain the best multi pking clan instead of an average singles team. We will struggle in single, and I am not sure if we will be able to compete in popular single areas. Plus, people need to upgrade gear/supplies for singles pking. We can't be there in our standard multi setup, need escape routes and noted sharks. Love the idea of killing Wiggled or a RoT member, but not sure if we are there yet. Maybe on the seasonal deadman servers?
  11. 75 hp is ok if you are multi pking, it is low for single pking.
  12. It depends if you are single or multi pking. I would always start with range proected until you are rich enough to get 94 mage. Then comes the melee.
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