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About Savage

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  1. Current Rsn: MeSavage(med) S5SS5(pure) Previous Rsn: dont remember Location & Timezone: USA EST About Yourself: Mainly Singles pk(brid) but like to multi pk with clans to How many Hrs a day you play: 10+ for SDMM Why do you want to join Anonymous Community: Ive been here before and enjoyed my time here previously How did you hear about us?: From 2015 i used to do Deadman Mode Have you played DMM Before? Since the first DMM List all names you had in DMM: Dont remember Do you know anyone in Anonymous Community,If so whom: Sp33dy and a bunch of others if they are still here
  2. Im like 90% sure you call yourself Da Best. Who else would set that name on your account?
  3. how much to get my pure to 85 magic with Camelot teleport, its at like 45 atm
  4. This is the #1 mouse on the Market https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-3-Button-Wired-Mouse-Black/dp/B005EJH6RW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1509214601&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=amazon+mouse&psc=1
  5. Its dope out here check out the wilderness/pvp section, New posts daily showing spoils of war.
  6. Sucks i missed it, hopefully there's another trip tomorrow.
  7. Dam nice clean fight, Props to the leaders who ran that trip.
  8. From this day on, i kill everyone and disregard their levels.
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