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Everything posted by Titacles

  1. great idea gonna setup a few accounts to try this out
  2. I thought you cant use a host in dmm? or am i wrong i have no clue just what i heard.
  3. Is this payed for with deadman gp or osrs gp? Not clear.
  4. There no reason to use a ring of forging though because superheat grants you 100% rate already
  5. Holy shit this means his luck beats yours?
  6. Yea i was thinking the same thing before DMM came out was hoping not to many people would think of it XD
  7. Gratz on the drop how many killz?
  8. Wow this is really smart and cheap gonna try this out thx for posting
  9. Dam bro gratz at such a low kc too lucky af
  10. Dam u just keep rolling in barrows pieces do you bother with tunnel kc or just going for items
  11. There's usually a small team of 3 down there hopping killing mole killers but there not that high lvl, big profitz tho
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