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Everything posted by BioCrusher

  1. Also note that I cut even with cost/profit for the 120 and didn't spend 3bill rs3 doing broads. Took 400 hours and a lot of electricity.
  2. Looked too easy! Also did anyone record when we destroyed rot earlier this week?
  3. I just remembered I sold you something in the ranged section varrock 345 a day or too ago
  4. What I do is get mouse recorder pro 2 and make a simple script, and then set an autoclicker to click the start script button to loop it over and over. That was how I got 120 fletching on rs3 lmao. It's pretty much undetectable botting. You can bank with it too Also it got me 1.6m exp per hour in fletching on regular 07 buy super speed clicking between feathers and unf addy bolts. Got 99 in 8 hours. Pretty useful program!
  5. Wow that's a lot of distance you covered! Did they barrage you?
  6. Wow nice! My first trip, I forgot to bring a ring of dueling and was left behind in the sewers xD
  7. I haven't even really got into pking yet, only got 100k from my 3 total keys. Going to get 95+ combat first!
  8. Still training there, no sign on pkers.. yet. My plan is to box the crabs and xlog if they come.
  9. I'm getting 60k-70k exp/hr in def and ranged using the slow longranged. Pretty decent.
  10. Started 2006, quit 2012-2014, been back since January 2015
  11. Another method is to buy bone cbow/bolts and cheap armor and then train on fire giants for a while, decent $/hr and no exp waste
  12. People seem to be PKed a lot at waterbirth rockcrabs, however, the south spot is extremely safe. Ive been training there for 3 hours and haven't seen a single person yet. There were item stacks from dead players on the more popular spots. Here's a picture of the spot:
  13. Nice! He tried to destroy the keys xD
  14. We're pretty focused on deadman at the moment, but I'm sure there will be some OSRS bits to it later.
  15. Welcome back! Pull an all nighter and read that wiki, there's no sleep until it's done!
  16. We had no clear cut goal to begin with. It began as a mass to advertise the clan, but then we got over confident with the lack of organization and scattered.
  17. Wow thanks, I will be looking out for this since I'm always at varrock.
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