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Everything posted by BioCrusher

  1. The none of the accounts are skulled.
  2. So he's been on all night and is still on. I searched up his stats... and he has 53 fishing and is still fishing... lmao idk what this guy is doing.
  3. I've use this botting method for so much. I got 1.5m fletching exp per hour on 07 (99 in 3 days/8 hours of fletching). I also used this for 120 fletching in rs3. Took 400+ hours but better than spending 3 bill lol.
  4. I don't see why someone would hack that account, it's literally just out of tutorial on RS3 and never joined 07. The guy is on 316 so I ran around lumby looking for him since he couldn't have gotten far. Didn't find him lol.
  5. Probably xD, but I just feel like it's unlikely because the emails I use are none crazy and weird.
  6. The thing is, no one knows of the account. I even forgot about it. I lost the login info and everything lol.
  7. I was alching when an account I made a few months ago (which I abandoned) randomly logged in... The name was "WealthSwap" because I was starting up a swapping cc (which was never made) back then so obviously I gold starred myself. I joined the cc and I'm still ranked in there. I pmed "it" and it logged out. Does anyone have any idea of what tf just happened?
  8. So my reasoning to use this method is: Id rather get pked once or twice and lose some exp than to waste 3m+. Just mule your bank before going on each alching trip. Ive been doing 600-1000 nats per trip. If this becomes a popular method, then it won't be a good one so I took the time and got 2/3 of the way to 94 before posting this xD.
  9. Ive been here all day for 2 days straight and there's been no pkers, maybe a total of 10 questers pass by on 357 or 360 a day. My guess is that the pkers are going over the shortcut.
  10. Hey, so after I finished DT, I looked for a cheap way to alch to 94 for barrage. However, no one could offer anything realistic that at least cut even with the nature rune costs. I looked around my bank and saw the wolfbane dagger from the Priest in Peril quest (reobtainable from Drezel). Its alch price is 180gp while nature rune cost ranges from 130-180gp. Alching and reobtaining at first was too click intensive so I used Mouse Recorder Pro 2 and created a little script to do this quickly. Then I got an auto clicker to click the play script button to loop it. I can now get 350k exp/hr and profit 50gp per alch! Here's a video of me doing it below. Happy alching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnmlLvZnx6o
  11. Gratz, I was going for 99 ranged but then I realized 94 mage was way more important lol
  12. I think sp33dy made a post about no services after that quester scammed a ton of people.
  13. Im working on it now, I still need to do Death plateau, Troll stronghold, Tourist trap, and DT itself. I away from home now but I'll be back in 1-2 days
  14. Nice progress, Im currently trying to get 94 magic and finish DT
  15. If added, items/coins in GE probably will be the same as if in bank so people don't try to use slots as extra deposit boxes
  16. Having 85 hp or 75 hp doesn't really make a big difference if you have enough food/pots, I would go for strength or ranged.
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