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Everything posted by MOBBING

  1. love u eldrid just made me laugh on todays trip at giants
  2. this intro was made before the introduction thread was created lmao
  3. High risk but high reward, only thing I would do is bring alpha so your inventory isn't filled with draggers
  4. Hello everyone, I recently came across RS-AC as I was looking for a DMM community that I could join. My ingame name is MOBBING (the I is a L). Currently ranked 138 (Level 84) in fishing and have currently put a pause on combat skills in order to finish up 90 fishing. I have been out of the multi clan scene for around three months now and would love to get back into it and I think the multi clan scene will be ten times as fun in DMM. Some of my hobbies include GFX, art (mostly drawing), skating, and music. Im hoping to apply as soon as possible. Hopefully I get to know most of you. Sincerely, MOBBING
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