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Everything posted by MOBBING

  1. fire giants is decent along with good cash and decently safe
  2. what time in the stream did this happen i wanna watch it
  3. Anteeks fucking demolished him. He paniced so hard and had no clue what to do. Thats what he gets for saying he is "undisputed,uncontested, best brid in DMM" lmaooo
  4. fk man i wanna do barrows it just seems do risky
  5. honestly think we should stop doing small man trips because then the small man trips get hit and have to spend even more time rebuilding. we need to get to a state where EVERYONE in the clan can go on trips
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/2y463q/efficient_quest_order/ Having done quest cape 3 times on OSRS I would highly recommend this list, just go down each quest til you have 175 QP.
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