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Everything posted by R U H O N

  1. you need to work on the right arm jagex is saying , you have a weak right arm!
  2. i swear i seen this topic before, that 1st kill i seen it before ,
  3. We went out with over 10 people and as time went by some fell off the boat but this is some of the loot Congratulations to those of whom were part of splits, I hope you intend on making good use of that money and no intent to stake it *Cough* K98 *Cough* LOOTS : Saradomin Hilt, Armadyl Crossbow, 3x Saradomin Swords, 1x GS Shard
  4. sp33dy's moms new vagina, after i been beating that so long so hard , i think she deserve a new vagina! donated by the WheelChair Foundation comittee
  5. welcome, take your time to get fammilier with things, and come pk with us , and get your post count up once you've done that drop your introduction for a position in ac and welcome abroad the train !
  6. people will get it banned ! , if you don't mind it getting banned send it my way and i can give you a share of the profits
  7. Sp33dy is full retard, they banned a team of ddoser's what do you expect stupid fuck
  8. WELCOME , DECENT THEM MADD HITS THOE, new and more contemporary music would've been nice
  9. you're a fucking animal. would say one of the best brids in OldSchool
  10. There is a new website that goes by the name of " FlipBuddy " becareful , it claims to be a site to help people flip items using the GrandExchange rather it will Steal your password while considering taking other banking details!
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