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Juicy Molly

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Everything posted by Juicy Molly

  1. Was an awesome season. Hopefully they keep the sigils going for next dmm.
  2. damn looks like it was a fun time. wish i could have made it. good shit guys!
  3. looks like it was a great trip. glad to hear they couldnt hold up.
  4. i thought allu was a tank.... dude got 1 banged like 10 times
  5. Hell yeah boys! Was a great Birthday One of the best we've had. saw a lot of great people out there. didnt expect what i saw but you guys kicked ass.
  6. Hell yeah boys stand your ground!. looks like some good loot out!
  7. damn i wish i could have been there!!! goodshit boys!
  8. Big kills! wish the server didnt push me off!
  9. Best war weve had yet! fought clans north and south of us and still stood strong.
  10. were controlling revs. i think everyone lastnight easily made over 10m. sad theres no competition other than a streamer.
  11. came out late but still made a ton of money!
  12. looks like you got hella kills! nice guys.
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