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Lord Bio

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Everything posted by Lord Bio

  1. Why would you bring that much risk with all the ddosing and lagging around, u deserve it to be completly honest, i could be here oh shit sorry to hear bla bla bla but im not that kind aperson, ur a downy for bringing it in the first place, and getting ddosed by ur own team, well i should say no more.ddosed my own team? Do you have downs? OB/sv shit shit shit/Italians/AND YES maa HARASSERS. All have access to world ddosers. If you had any brains, you would know that the ddoser is in xuso's team (Dutch. Reject that got kicked from brap for ddosing). So your statement of ddosed by my own team is funny. And I was in that risk because the world wasn't ddosed for a good 4 hours but again stupid on my part. even if u didnt get ddosed in that gear, " world wasnt ddosed for a good 4 hours" l0l, when they see a max mager ofc they gonna ddos it retard simple as is, your a downsyndrme. Me losing 120m to this while making over 600m. Not fussed LOL. Better not be 325 pvp even in tune or uk (:
  2. Why would you bring that much risk with all the ddosing and lagging around, u deserve it to be completly honest, i could be here oh shit sorry to hear bla bla bla but im not that kind aperson, ur a downy for bringing it in the first place, and getting ddosed by ur own team, well i should say no more.ddosed my own team? Do you have downs? OB/sv shit/Italians/AND YES maa HARASSERS. All have access to world ddosers. If you had any brains, you would know that the ddoser is in xuso's team (Dutch. Reject that got kicked from brap for ddosing). So your statement of ddosed by my own team is funny. And I was in that risk because the world wasn't ddosed for a good 4 hours but again stupid on my part.
  3. Rage staked after, got cleaned 350m. well.. ill be back in a few months maybe lol. DDosers r so sick ;p
  4. And I could been with u guys if ppl in here didn't hate me lol for my "ego". I don't think I have an ego tho lol
  5. Not bad switches on some of those fights, love the drag dagger KO funny af ;d
  6. is that an attempt to flame? "11 brews" sorry next time ill bring 7 brews to mb :S I think he was saying that since Harassers have bs'd a few members for some bank. and I think you're new to them? I could be wrong ofc. Who have we bsed for banks? I've been there for 3 weeks yes, but I knew a few people before I joined. And seeing as I've been trusted with Ely and much more, the fact of "bsing" is highly unlikely lol.
  7. is that an attempt to flame? "11 brews" sorry next time ill bring 7 brews to mb :S
  8. sub like comment. long one like my mandingo
  9. like sub comment if not so already
  10. Quick vid. next one will be longer. like sub comment
  11. Taking over???? You're team is Australian you guys ok at 5am when nobody else pks. ???? Never the less nice loot. Wish retards pked at our timezone
  12. Most members got kicked leading to some leaving. Overall yes, they're closingg their dooooooooorsssss. Don't matter though, lemon have 50 members when they pk
  13. Because one day when I give the shits to effort my intro I'll be back cunt
  14. No LOl. I was jizzing in TS thinking I got his ags LOL. He dced
  15. Like sub comment. Short vid not the best clips but I just wanted to upload something because of this song. Lemon are ruining singles turning it into multi with their 50 man pk trips which 30 of are rot tanks. Lmfao
  16. they'll be fire in a week or so once i get hang
  17. 4-0ed them today. lol. VID COMING TONGIHT LADS
  18. fixed vid shudnt uk zoom and shit
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