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Ac Guest
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qym's Achievements

  1. anyone with a lot of vouches on sythe.
  2. I was banned and removed from cc/ts. It says I wasn't active enough when I was pking with you guys literally all day yesterday, doing the 50s lure, singles and even mass spearing...

    1. qym







  3. A PVM clan, not even a PKing clan... as I stated in my new intro, right before you kicked me (and yes, because I don't have permission to edit, so I can't just go back) that I left Zer0 PVM for PSO since they were literally a dead clan, very inactive.
  4. I really don't understand your logic. You were nice enough to give me info to the ts. I said i'd answer any questions u had about my in a sec, after I posted an actual intro (with your template) and u tell me that I just so happened to join with some other dude that just so happened to have intro'd the same day I did (i believe others did as well) and he just so happened to have been a part of Zer0 PVM, the biggest PVM clan on RS?..
  5. Like I tried looking around under the intro/app since that's where you'd expect to find that sort of info :/
  6. Just curious on as to how I'm supposed to go about finding information such as clan theme, maybe clan capes, clan paint on rune that i've been seeing people being told to change to the AC paint. How am I supposed to necessarily participate with the community, without applying. I shouldn't have to apply if I intro... I think I should be able to apply, that's not what an intro should be (just my opinion). I'd like to be able to get to know the members around here, and talk with them, and go to small events if that's even an option as someone who intros. I havent played since pre-eoc, and then for a bit when 07 was released. I wanted to get back into clanning, while also being able to make an acc suitable for pking. tl;dr: I've been trying to get involved with the community, and I can't find answers.
  7. damn, cya. Edit - didn't mean to grave dig, sorry. Just clicked on the thread.
  8. nice loots, hopefully i can join in on these soon
  9. nice account. 92 slayer, shouldn't be too hard to get rid of the acc. why not just cut back on the rs hours? go out with friends, and play when u get back.
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