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Everything posted by Shadow_Dl

  1. I mean, movie tickets are like 5 bucks where I live lol.
  2. Man..just look at how many random people would go up to pk..this shit was great. I also saw my name a few times lol. It's been a long time man
  3. Congratz boys. Be sure to get 77rc and do the elite diary for noted dag bones =p
  4. Current Score - Alex 1 Shadow - 2 Poke Shadow or Alex for dh fights.
  5. I'm honestly down bro. Let's get it! I got tbow though, so pray for my pet
  6. What the heck, but sureee! When we do our 4 hour callisto trips, NOTHING. Congratz lol
  7. Congratz! I'm curious too! Was it solo or split?
  8. You son of a bitch. 2.3k kills and no pet or mutagen
  9. It was fun bro, thanks for the trips
  10. I'm one month late, but it popped up a recent topic. Very late congratz! lol RIP ironmen
  11. I stopped using OSB because it started to make me lagg.. And I don't like how Gyazo doesnt auto embed on many forums lol
  12. Ofc not. He's turning it into what it used to be though. Full of hate and racism + ignorance. but that's my president....Fuck him
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