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Everything posted by Shadow_Dl

  1. Est. based community. I'm sure it's not intentional
  2. Fight UPC, he's closest to your cb. I'd hybrid you, but you''ll use range again -.-
  3. Gl, go mine the Gem ores in shilo village while you wait on Zybez offers you twat
  4. Sebastiann is another constant seller we have, if you're lucky enough to catch Mikedonald on Ts, ask him. Also Chain for he is the #1 noob staker and will make 1b and lose it in the same night, but get him before he goes on a hot lose streak
  5. Why block the stats and such? People want to know what they're buying.
  6. The poor guy left too soon to be honest...I hope this video comforts his family and friends. May he forever rest in complete peace.
  7. I'm way more out of time than you, does it honestly take much effort to go on forums, and make a fucking post? If that's too much for you than GL anyway. We know you want to stay, so get active.
  8. 75 def looks better. IMO even 85 is pretty beastly. But I understand you wanting to stay barrows pure. Also, 75 will give you a bit of a def boost and you can wear dfs/sigil shields
  9. ^ His rate is more accurate. Basically 1m for a bond is the rate of eoc:os
  10. The mustang would do a lot better if it had a lip instead of a wing bro, regardless if you're drag racing it, or ricing it, a lip would do sick justice.
  11. I'm a half decent back-up caller as I call on smaller trips and sometimes during the massive ones when our callers are returning. Easiest way to call is Name - Direction+location - Combat lvl gear - what gear - prayer overhead That may seem a lot but let's put it in this perspective. Get on Shadow Dl North of GDZ lvl 122 in mystic prayer range! Also, no one wants to hear about a guy risking ahrims bottom, or even full ahrims. Also don't bother calling out, oh look ely! They probably bring like 5+ppots anyway. Let the callers call, should they all die, back-up callers come in, should there not be any on then someone with a decent voice do it.
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