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Everything posted by Shadow_Dl

  1. The voice matches the face very well
  2. Swear I've seen your name from elsewhere but i can't remember lol. Welcome
  3. Rot will just lure Callisto to the multi safe spot and boom, inifinite supplies for that clan...
  4. It's the one on the left since she's making a kissy face Or the right since she's trying to be serious... idk
  5. I swear you guys smite when i dont go pking -.-
  6. Shadow_Dl


    I wouldnt have made it
  7. Fun as always, shame no teams were out really
  8. It was a hell of a night for action that's for sure
  9. My friend and I have been duo'ing bandos, we're 400+ kc dry of any unqiue. Also no godsword shards..
  10. Should spend the time you're using to quest/sell services to train your own account.
  11. We used to have it, and some people abuse it. If we can use it appropriately I'm all for it
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