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Everything posted by Enfeeble

  1. not really true, there are some normal people in the pure community. And actually I wasn't only a Pure, I've been in the BlackKnights as well as the Titans. Not all pures are retarded
  2. So let me get this straight, I was in CP and a few other pure clans and sv shit got bullied into mains, and now they get bullied by you guys? LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  3. Right now I've been working towards the ultimate goal of 123+ combat, but right now I only have rune gloves and I don't have 94 mage yet. Can i still intro ? :/
  4. Just was wondering if anyone could provide a decent return setup I could follow. Ty, was a pure before lol
  5. Hey guys, I'm new here to the community and was just wondering how you guys in AC like it? I was a pure before so this will be different for me.
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