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Everything posted by Montel

  1. Instead of getting the chance to be formal in teamspeak, I guess i am forced to be formal here. I am leaving AC. I have had fun and it was a great run. I wish you all the best and I will definately miss the community. Thanks for the memories and fun but I have to move on. Goodbye friends!
  2. I enjoy the dedication from the members in the community of AC.
  3. Super combat and a range pot instead of the str pot
  4. Lemme tell a story really quick. Feel free to grab a snack and relax. So Vel was pestering me at Cammy agility course with ~15 (2 pictured below), and I tanked it out very easily as usual. After pming Wiggled about whats going down, I see a few RoT members show up to hit these retards. I followed RoT SeaShell and LiT Fears Running for his life on the agility course. After a few more rot members came to help tag the VeL/LiT retards off to secure the kill, this happens. I applaud RoT for once...
  5. Singles Team Application Stats (Picture): I will have 71 agility by tomorrow and will post back with an update! - Base Requirements: 52+ Pray, 70+ Defense, 75+ HP (Insured), 71+ Agility. 1. Mage/Range Brid: 94+ Mage, 90+ Range, Why You Want to Join: Pking in Singles is more organized than Multi (given good leadership). There is more loot in Singles and more potential for upgrading gear. We can clear rot if we catch them afar from an escape or bank. Increase in Publicity for AC. Prior Singles Experience: Dance Club Unit in pre-eoc, Extortion (nrpk) in 2012, Brap on 07, solo pking with Gsw since then until DMM came out. - I do not expect to be accepted at the moment because I am failing to meet the requirement for agility, and I am doing nothing but agility training until level 71.
  6. Grungy and vibrant AC signature for the one and only @Next Step Edit: Next Step has requested that I make some different copies of this base and release it for free to any AC members. Tldr: Free signature below if you don't have one and want one.
  7. Not professional, took 30mins Lmk what you think?
  8. Idk who you are... Probably just another whiny brat who got declined on his application or died because you didn't listen. From what you say about AC shows you obviously weren't active and didn't take much part in what was really going on. You are Delusional, but Sayonara anyway.
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