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About Jojo

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  1. didnt even die this trip!!! maded bank!!! good trip
  2. yes! welcome back ill help you out
  3. good job boys! make sure u keep using your anti vemon sp33dy
  4. i had my main but the pker was there wouldnt of got there in time
  5. just chilling at black demons just getting magic up fast and afk and as i was a lvl 39 thought black demons under edvill would be safe! but i was so wrong! i got rushed by a lvl 44 with a d bow!!!! and i end up killing him 4 his dark bow!!!! was the funnest think ive even! just a shame i couldnt pick it up!
  6. i know im not going to get far with it but i might make it as a pker
  7. starting to get borad? dont know what 2 do when we not pking? well ive started a hardcore iron man! yes i dont know how long until he will become a ironman but its bringing me fun back in the game again as i afk slayer on my main! so far ive done all free to play quests a part from dragon slayer which i need 37 prayer at less 2 start it and few members quests to teleport around the game! so wish me luck on this! dont know how long i will last on this but im enjoying as it lasting. might just make a f2p pker which will be fun and easy to get rune scimi and rune 2h! http://imgur.com/edit?deletehash=KK9X393e4ChxWNM&album_id=SLtXi
  8. good shit! few plus1 very good trip out
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