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AC Venenatis

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  1. But they're the retard who decided to trust him after all the bills he's scammed from ppl, so in the end its their own fault. Sure wildy is a scumbag and all his friends but its the fact people allow him to scam them knowing his past.
  2. Nah man, Like i traded absolutely everything off to my main and waiting 6 more days for the iron man to be removed
  3. Haha, my iron man doesnt mean anything to me anymore ;p i was going to turn it into a normal account. It's at the point it just seems pointless and boring.
  4. Lately I've just lost all motivation to play RS. As i get on theres not much to do considering time zones are pretty messed up for pking. Along with that i deeply hate skilling and don't enjoy pvming, so that's why i rely on staking to give me my enjoyment. But, this comes at a cost. Getting cleaned, as i've been cleaned countless times. From this that's why i think its best to take a long break from this.
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