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Magic Caped

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  1. I'm terribly confused. I was kicked from AC for being a spy yet you seem to be friendly towards the clan i'm a gen in.. :X
  2. I applied to the clan like a month and a half ago or so. I was around for a couple weeks, even changed my name as asked. Was busy around christmas, came back and got kicked for being a supposed "spy" for sv shit or something. So I'm just getting out of this whole pk clan stuff. It was fun but its too filled with drama for my liking.
  3. Excuse me? No, I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been kicked out of the first pk clan i'd ever been in for "being a spy". Aside from right around christmas, I attended damn near every event I could. Maybe you should know what you're talking about before you accuse me of shit.
  4. 46 rcbows - 20k ea 70 neitz helms - 40k ea 19 dds - 44k ea 2 mystic tops - 90k ea 9 mystic bot - 60k ea 50 rune kites - 42k ea 18 rune helms - 25k ea 200 black d'hide tops - 8.8k ea 100 black d'hide chaps - 7k ea Numbers may change as I sell things Pm me in game @ Magic Caped
  5. Overly paranoid people are pests as well
  6. I haven't been active at all recently due to being sick and holiday stuff. I've hardly logged into RS in the past few weeks.
  7. Thank you. Like I said, we're both new to the whole pk clan scene. If I remember correctly, ange had never really pked at all up until a couple months ago, and I have only ever solo'd or gone with a couple friends. I assume its just a huge misunderstanding with ange, which also makes me involved since ange and I are friends.
  8. I never even got a word in with speedy lol.
  9. There is no need to delete this topic. I can not stress my concern by another mean of communication when I am kicked from the TS and removed from the CC. This post is very well needed, because I was kicked without even being talked to. If I hadn't heard that Ange had been kicked, I would literally not even know why I was kicked. Sp33dy needs to realize that not everyone is out to get him and his clan. I was a new potential clan member, but it seems i've been labeled a spy. Ironic considering this is my first pk clan and i've only been around for about two weeks.
  10. Thank you. I wasn't even logged in to ts or rs at the time of the "spying" incident, I was simply asking about Ange when I got kicked. Got really pissed lol
  11. So here's basically how my night went. I was playing some 7 days to die, chilling in a personal TS. Ange gets on and tells me he just got kicked from the clan TS because speedy said "I think you're a spy", then banned him. I log into RS, ask sp33dy whats going on and he ignores me. I hop on TS and talk to chaingang about it. Here's our convo: <00:17:53> "Matt [Magic Caped]": Why was Ange kicked from the ts? <00:21:23> "ChainGang815": we have to resolve something <00:21:28> "ChainGang815": sv shit knew our exact location <00:21:36> "ChainGang815": when he connected <00:22:21> "Matt [Magic Caped]": Well i'm just going to tell you a tip; I've known ange for about a year, he's a total noob at pking and he's never been part of a pk team or clan before. So if you genuinely think there is a spy in the CC, you need to look around because I know for a fact it isn't him. <00:22:34> "ChainGang815": ok ill talk to sp33dy <00:23:29> "Matt [Magic Caped]": Thanks. I know the suspicion is on him because of the sv shit kites that used to be in his bank, but tbh I think he was fanboying watching pk/war vids and got the shields to feel cooler when he pks. Thats just something he does lol <00:23:47> "Matt [Magic Caped]": because neither of us have ever been a part of any pk clans or anything in our RS careers. Seemed very reasonable. He was talking to me about it and being mature. He pulls sp33dy into a private chat, and within about a minute I am also banned for "being a spy". A little background on me and ange: I've known him for about a year, I've always been into pking but never with a team/clan, usually edge pking or solo getting my ass kicked at mage bank or something. He's never really been into pking before, also never been in a pk clan. Ange joins AC because he wants to join a team and pk at lavas etc. He asks me to come along, so I spend a day or so buying rune sets and prepping myself to join. I applied a few weeks ago, came on several pk trips, all around enjoyed myself. This past week or so, I haven't been on rs much because I was sick followed by holidays and stuff. Are spy's that big of a deal in clanning? Do people really take this game so seriously that they go "undercover" in other clans just for the sole reason of knowing locations and stuff like that? If so, thats fucking retarded. So I guess I'm asking if someone wants to be a man and talk to me about why I've been kicked just because someone assumes I'm a spy for a clan that I don't even know the name of (I have no idea what sv shit stands for tbh). Thanks.
  12. Wish I was there Sorry haven't been active recently, was sick and then busy around holidays. I'll be active again soon!
  13. You keyboard smashed because we had 3 out of the 4 rings on my first ever trippp
  14. You'll be sorry when we get into a week long f2p fight m8
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