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Ac Guest
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Everything posted by Kronik

  1. was fun, got plenty of steel kites now. woop
  2. havent done an official war in quite some time, this was great. had alotta fun, and everyone did fantastic.
  3. came on just a few minutes late, im sure was fun. #community
  4. Be back within the week. Moved damn near outta state been crazy busy. I've been steady checkin out the forums I see its more active then ever good shit #ac
  5. Just of a few kill pics from the #1 clan killing the game. you dont gotta go to miami to feel the heat! #aclyfe LOL I had to throw it in there
  6. Thanks for the free stuff everyone who isn't in the famm. free whip ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ was fun guys. feat. nike star 8, not a ddoser, panic twitch, prime cyrus, axe leathan and others..
  7. Guys, i am currently in the process of moving, I will still be on as much as I possibly can. I will remain active. Thanks boys
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