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Everything posted by sco

  1. gzz looks like a very fucking close kill lmfao
  2. gzz man how much is the tab worth roughly and what was your profit from it?
  3. well i cant speak for any other shit except what i see and what i see is pure luck 24/7 EDIT: not that its a bad thing right enough
  4. you are possible one of the luckiest people i know. What do i do in life to achieve this level of luck?
  5. wow id be pissed if it was my rotation or something gzz but not gzz man
  6. lmfao 7 kills and gets elly niceeeee
  7. Straight to the point "send me your nudes" lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  8. Hopefully it will make the wildy more active and i by active i mean proper fights none of the sv shit bs that happens
  9. lmfao some community they have by the looks of things
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