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  1. This motherfucker team crashed me when I was doing solo bandos on my Main not in this gear i had solo gear so I told this kids I be back so I went back in max and they started flaming me and basiclly karma Is a bitch I got all the kills and got Bandos tassies after 5 kills of when i entered the room hahahahahahahahahahaahhahah. Eat shit hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahh.
  2. Sad hahahaha bro tayt fury wtf where u came witht tht never scammed tayt or even you fucking retard go kill urself lol. I can understand that you have nothing to do so u just troll and make stories what next time are u gonna say i scammed you for ags or wait a super combat potion wtf can't wait for the new storie lol
  3. hahaha the Exocist is already here lol #devils luck
  4. Basiclly after this number that I got from corp It made me luckier in rs and know my acc is a devil worshiper and I like it hahah had so much luck lol check loot that I got from Bandos the same day from a 35 task most of u guys would see it as unlucky but the pet made my day.Loot that i had was Elite clue Bandos boots,hilt,pet,rune sword 2x,crystal key full,uncut d stone but i don't have them in pic fuck forget tho but have a great one Direct Download Information Attachments Comma File Type Followed Ignored Inventory Management Jumps Separated Direct Download Information Attachments Comma File Type Followed Ignored Inventory Management Jumps Separated
  5. Damm nice guys gj keep it like that. We are coming back slowly like before boyssss!!!!
  6. No he had that many left when he finnished tanking
  7. wow lol 10 pages wohoh lol 11 know with me lol
  8. Omg no fucking way no words at all look at this picture and imagen what you would do in that situation when you have them on you one by one spec transfering on you from Barbarin outputs and try to tank this wiggle people from ags,sot dbow any kind off spec weapon dude to be onest i would think it was over this lucas survive an 78 ags spec lol and if i was there and would have got that ags spec i would have been dead because my hp 78 lol they had around 15+ or so lol and cud not kill lucas wow lol he survive with having 4 brews and 5 sharks. After 5 steps I guess most off the people would be dead lol like sp33dy hahah you would not tank for 3 steps lol no offense but am being onest atlets lol https://imgur.com/JfLtwGd #LucasKorvkiosk mannen Fucking Beastttttt'!!!!! so prode off my hotdog seller
  9. IF u catched his face on the picture it would be much better then
  10. Not clicking that shit ip grabber confirmer " lol
  11. I hope u heard that big al scammed one off our memmbers and ac matthew suicided on one off the memmbers account and that's what happen pretty much this holiyday #dram maker
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