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Everything posted by terrorro

  1. only you would make a topic about peeple their drop partys YEW
  2. easy kills we should have banged more @ gwd cave tbh
  3. nice topic but yet i think 2-3 peeple is enough for this;)
  4. nice one normally your the one who loses them
  5. so me and jojo went killing the spiderboss in the wild while we were doing the second trip we got rushed by a team i teled jojo got tbed and i geared up fast we smacked one of them they we geared up to fight them found them outside corp cave we smashed first one for a whip than we quickly smacked the others tho than the third trip we got an d pickaxe
  6. nice topic we rocked em and Pj harvey for max l0l0l0l
  7. u were piling all different peeple like 70% of the vid l0l
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