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Everything posted by Sp33dy20

  1. they said deadman is sometime this year hopefully
  2. Yea... it was not even a fight just us killing VR. i know allu isnt feeding into this propaganda
  3. Great performance today guys! Thanks for the scrap Elite Zerks
  4. havent had a solid fight like that in awhile, thanks for the scrap EZ!
  5. VR/DR bodied again, makes you wonder what @Stacked was thinking...
  6. Multiple back2back fights today, great job today everyone! VR hold hands with clan world, theres a reason we have wiped them multiple times within the past 7 days
  7. I thought DR was fighting us this friday.... the movie nights aren't helping boost the confidence.. thanks for the scraps PD/Fate/AF
  8. Not sure what DR/VR were thinking but thanks for the AGS Good job tonight boys
  9. Well im sure DR will put their members through another break down after tonight.
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